
Your budget is what holds it all together

The one thing that a budget does is to bring consistency to even the most inconsistent months.  It changes nothing in and of itself but instead it acts like a solid foundation even when things seem to be as wild as they can get.  And that, is the thing that makes going into the next month from the previous month something to look forward to.  Especially when the previous month was about as messed up as you think it could ever be.

As I posted before, the second month is one of the most difficult.  After stumbling through the first month seemingly aimless just trying to find your way, the second month becomes that much more daunting.  Even under the most normal conditions, this is a stone cold fact, but then again, we are not normal….

The month of May has been a doozie.

With the Disney World trip at the beginning and my Australian friends coming out to visit at the end, this month has been a whirlwind of spending.  Disney itself will take some time to recover from and you can read a bunch more about that trip HERE.  Our friends just flew back to Australia yesterday.  It’s always so much fun when they come over but it doesn’t bode well with our feeble attempt at living more budget consciously.

So now I’m closing out May and looking forward to June.

Aside from a trip to Arizona for a medical appointment and a visit, it should be a relatively normal month.  Normal is relative though and if you have been paying attention, we don’t do what most people consider “normal” well.

Ain't that the truth....
Ain’t that the truth….

Damn kids….

Now would be a good time to mention that the girl child’s Cheerleading is starting back up again for the new season.  I’ll put that into perspective by saying that we already had to shell out $500 to get things rolling and each month until January will be another $445 to pay for tuition and fees.  This is her senior year, her last year to be able to do this, on a normal team at least.  Most importantly, it is the LAST year that I am paying for it.  

My wife is not working at the moment.  Which means that my budget is not pretty.  I’m beginning to think that it will never be as it hasn’t been pretty since it began.  Maybe this is the nature of the beast.  I would think that if you get your ducks in a row and your sacrifices made, that the budget would not only look better but it would be easier as well.

Clearly I’m nowhere near there yet.

So we just keep plugging away.  All the while hoping that each month will be better and brighter.

By comparison, this month was nuttier than the last.  The one thing that stayed consistent was my budget.  When I compare it to last month, not much is different.  It is about as stable as you can get, most of it anyway.  It’s a little early to tell, but my budget could actually be the glue that holds this whole crazy life together.

I don’t have much more to say about this month that hasn’t already been said.  It was a busy month both activity and expenditure wise.  With so much going on, I had plenty to say during the melee, but now, not only am I done talking about it, but you are tired of hearing it.  Time to move on.


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