

OTHERLIFE Affiliate Marketing

I am making changes in my life. I have partnered with Otherlife and am doing Affiliate Marketing with their help. While not my first attempt at this, these folks, Jeff and Jessica Samis, are the best in the business. They give you EVERYTHING that you need to be successful.  Otherlife includes programs that are necessary … Read more

Nothing changes if you don’t change it.

nothing changes

The title to this post, “Nothing changes if you don’t change it” seems so simple that it’s stupid.  In fact, it seems so stupid that it’s stupid.  You folks are smart people.  You know that what it says is basically what Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over … Read more

Ways to save money to get that positive cash flow

You don’t have to look super hard on the internet to find money saving tips, and the things you do find are not earth shattering news.  That’s a good thing though.  This means that they are all tried and true.  Some of these and the many others out there may not work for your situation … Read more

OMG, my budget is ugly!! Is yours??

I’m pretty proud of myself, I mean, the simple fact that I actually started my budget is monumental.  For years and years I knew I should of had a budget but only now did I actually do it. But that’s where my pride ends. Once I got all the numbers plugged in, the income, the … Read more

A little bit about how I got here.

I am the oldest of two children in my family.  When I was a kid, my parents both worked at respectable jobs and we lived in a newer but modest house on the east side of our small town in Connecticut.  The east side was considered the nicer side of town.  My parents each had … Read more

Some Financial Truths

Higher income does not automatically mean more savings!! It does not matter how much you make, it matters how much you are spending. A person earning $200,000 can be just as poor as a person earning $20,000. Lifestyle inflation is the devil. The reason those $200k people are poor? They keep increasing their lifestyle as … Read more